Free Online Event Starts on Monday – The Sonic Access Mindfest

Just a heads up today.

The most popular promotions I have done in the last few years have been for the free Ultimate You Mindfest. Over 3000 Positivity Blog / Positivity Newsletter readers have signed up for it in the past three years and listened to the guided meditations called Paraliminals.

So I wanted to let you know that Learning Strategies is having another Mindfest that starts now on Monday, the 1:st of December. And it is a sort of a follow up to the popular Paraliminals program mentioned above.

It is called The Sonic Access Mindfest and each day for 4 days you’ll be able to stream a new Paraliminal. And you get access to the Goal Setting Paraliminal as soon as you have signed up.

The topics for this Mindfest and the recordings are success, health, relationships and spiritual growth.

How can these guided meditations help you? Well, I have used Paraliminals for quite a few years now and two of the main benefits in my experience have been:

Presence and calmness.

For about five hours to half a day after using a Paraliminal the mind becomes very calm and clear. Self-talk – positive or negative – just shuts down. This makes it very easy to be present, focused and effective.

Tapping into other very helpful states of mind.

On some days you just feel like you’re on top of the world. Like you’re unstoppable. I have found that using Paraliminals can produce such a mental state where you for instance are very confident. Or very laid back and relaxed.

Creativity also seems to improve overall. New thoughts pop up and new perspectives open up.

I understand that you may be skeptical, I certainly was before I tried the Paraliminals too. And they are not magic bullets.

But here is a way to try them out for yourself for free to make up your own mind about these recordings. I have already signed up for the event.

Click here to learn more and to sign up for the Sonic Access Mindfest


P.S: The link above is an affiliate link. This event is totally free, but if you decide to buy a product from Learning Strategies in the near future then that may earn me a commission.

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About the Author

Henrik Edberg is the creator of the Positivity Blog and has written weekly articles here since 2006. He has a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Gothenburg and has been featured on Lifehacker, HuffPost and Paulo Coelho’s blog. Click here to learn more…