Running a business can – in my experience – feel overwhelming, confusing and like you’re heading into the unknown quite often.
But there’s also an exhilarating excitement when you learn something new, when you make a change that pays off and just a lot of freedom and satisfaction in the everyday work as a business owner.
And in today’s post I’d like to share timeless wisdom to inspire you if you want to start your own business or improve your current one. This is 160 of the most powerful, helpful and motivational business quotes.
And to get you started off right today and set you up for a fun and relaxing weekend I’d like to share 110 funny Friday quotes.
I hope you’ll find something here to give you a couple of good laughs and help relieve some of that stress from the past 5 days. Something you can share with your coworkers and friends to spread the positive energy and set them up for a great Friday and weekend too.
Today is the 8th of March and it’s International Women’s Day.
A powerful celebration of the strength, smarts and resilience of women throughout history and in daily life. A reminder of how far we have come but also how far we have to go with equality for women in the world.
To help celebrate this day and lift up female voices I’d like to share 101 of the most powerful and inspirational quotes by women who have paved the way and shaped our world in the past few hundreds of years.