How to Start a Successful Website (FREE Email Course)

I started my website as just a fun experiment and hobby way back in 2006.

But then it started to grow quickly.

It is today – and has been for many years – my full-time business and I now have a very flexible schedule, I make a comfortable living and I have more time to spend on loved ones, hobbies and basically what I’m interested in at the moment.

Plus, it’s a lot more fun than the regular 9-5 jobs I’ve had. And I can sleep in or travel pretty much anytime I want.

In this free 7-day email course I’ll show you the most important steps to help you all the way from finding your website topic and setting up your website (it’s easy these days) to earning your first side income and growing your audience.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Day 1: Five Great Reasons to Start a Website.
  • Day 2: How to Pick the Topic and Name for Your Website.
  • Day 3: How to Create Your Website in Just 10-15 Minutes.
  • Day 4: My Best Tips for Making an Income.
  • Day 5: How to Make Your First $500 from Your Website.
  • Day 6: My Favorite Tips for Growing Your Audience.
  • Day 7: Five Things I Would Do Differently if I Could Start All Over Again.

To enroll in this free course simply use the signup form below. Our Privacy Policy.